Fourth Ajax potato mixer expands capacity at Agristo

Solids handling specialist, Ajax Equipment, has supplied leading European pre-fried and frozen potato product producer, Agristo, with a continuous mixer featuring enhanced mirror polish finish. The latest mixer operates in addition to Ajax mixers supplied in 2016 and 2018, enhancing Agristo’s production capacity
The stainless steel, twin screw mixer utilises a combination of Ajax’s paddle and Lynflow™ ribbon screw geometry to provide efficient though gentle mixing to grated potato and various additives, including flavourings, to produce a range of potato products with negligible damage to the ingredients. The continuous mixer also has a range of hygienic features, comprising a crack and crevice free finish, easy to clean profile and the ability to hold water.
The mixer’s casing and covers features a smooth figure of eight profile ensuring there are no ‘dead’ areas for product to accumulate. While ease of access is assured with the counterbalanced covers needed on such a large mixer. The mixer also holds water making it easy to agitate the screws within the casing, which effectively becomes a bath for a cleaning cycle. Once cleaning is complete, the mixer’s gentle incline ensures it fully drains.
“Since commissioning Agristo’s first Ajax continuous mixers almost five years ago they have performed very well. As a result, when Agristo looked to expand its production in 2018 and 2020 continuing to work with Ajax was the obvious choice,” said Dieter Raes, technical director, Agristo.
Commenting on how Ajax approaches material handling, Eddie McGee, managing director, Ajax Equipment said, "Ajax’s approach focuses on each customer’s application, materials and environment. For over 50 years this has produced designs that deliver performance for each particular process, helping Ajax to form long lasting customer relationships, some lasting several decades."
For more information on AJAX's continuous mixers please visit our
Continuous Mixer Page or call AJAX on 44 (0)1204 386723.