AJAX supply a water cooled heat exchanger screw conveyor for cooling biochar residue from a waste to energy pyrolysis process.

Ajax Equipment heat exchange screw for European pyrolysis plant

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Solids handling equipment maker, Ajax Equipment, has supplied a leading pyrolysis technology producer with a heat exchange screw conveyor to cool processed char at a European pyrolysis plant. The cooling screw receives char/ash from the pyrolysis process at up to 500°C and cools the material to below 50°C via the conveyor’s water filled jacket and screw auger. The screw features full flights with a reduced pitch to provide a positive transfer of char/ash and surface area to effectively transfer heat.

“Cooling bulk solids is a challenging task as heat transfer coefficients can be low and contact areas limited, however, Ajax takes care in equipment design to promote good interface between the particulate material and the water cooled surfaces,” says Eddie McGee, managing director, Ajax Equipment.

For more information on Ajax’s heat transfer equipment, call +44 (0)1204 386723 or visit our Heat Exchanger Page page.

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