Ajax Equipment continues partnership with Lynemouth Power

Solids handling equipment specialist, Ajax Equipment, has supplied leading UK energy generator, Lynemouth Power, with a range of parts, including replacement paddles, to be used with four ash conditioner units previously supplied by Ajax in 2016. The twin screw conditioners form part of a fly ash handling system for Lynemouth Power Station’s biomass plant, each handling up to 30m3 of ash per hour.
Ajax’s twin paddle screws mix and condition ash from the sustainably sourced, renewable wood pellets before transferring the material. The ash conditioners feature twin paddle augers and hinged covers fitted with spray bars. The machines’ spray bars allow the controlled addition of water to the ash, and the paddle screws effectively combine the two enabling dust free transfer. For abrasive ash type products, the conditioners’ augers feature replaceable paddles, enabling each paddle to be easily removed and a new paddle rapidly installed.
“Ajax Equipment’s ash conditioners have performed extremely well since being installed, helping us to efficiently process the ash produced from generating bioenergy,” commented, Luke Stephenson, senior engineer – rotating plant at Lynmouth Power. "Processing ash, a very abrasive material, requires a robust solution. The design of Ajax’s heavy-duty mixing screws makes them well suited to mixing ash while their paddles are simple to replace when required, ensuring maintenance time is minimised. The machine construction with counterbalanced hinged covers gives excellent access for cleaning and maintaining reliable operation."
"With the growing amount of new and converted biomass plants, such as Lynemouth Power Station, ash conditioning is increasingly in demand. The design of Ajax’s ash conditioners is based on our continuous mixing technologies which ensures the ash and liquor form a homogenous mix ready for dust free handling," says Eddie McGee, managing director, Ajax Equipment.
For more information on Ajax’s ash conditioners, call +44 (0)1204 386723 or visit our
Ash Conditioners page.