Ajax LynFlowTM Static Mixers.
It is a common requirement to mix and blend loose solids for compounds and multi-component mixtures, to proportion in re-work and off-spec. material, and to incorporate additives to a flow stream in a production line. Continuous mixing allows this to be done on-line, and in a compact and efficient manner with minimum attrition.
The amount of work input that is required to secure a homogeneous final product depends to a large extent upon the volume handled per unit time and the particular dispersion characteristics of the various ingredients.
A static mixer employs gravity as the driving force for promoting the flow and mixing process. It is characterised by multiple element separations and re-collation of the flow stream. As the mechanics of the process is limited by the free flow behaviour of the bulk material the operation is generally gently repetitive, and hence more suitable for handling delicate products than a mechanical mixer that normally exerts high local and individual forces on the constituent particles and bulk regions.
A key feature of this process is to provide an adequate degree of dispersion and diffusion to the flow stream, yet avoid the pernicious effect of segregating processes that causes preferential location of differing fractions in the final flow stream.
The Ajax LynFlow Static Mixer is designed to repetitively diverge and converge a flow stream of suitably proportioned free flowing bulk products. By these means the composition is repetitively interchanged in dilate shear, to allow the reorientation of the structure with minimum forces acting on the constituent particles.
The device is normally oriented on a vertical axis within a confined chamber, although the flow elements are separately fixed to allow adjustment to maximise the mixing process.
Units are selected and constructed from a range of standard elements. This enables a wide degree of flexibility to be given to suit differing capacities, material natures and relative proportions. In some cases water or other liquor sprays are incorporated, for such duties as dust conditioning, perfume additions and liquor additives. Units to suit outputs in excess of 50 tones per hour of an abrasive product have been successfully employed, to replace a pug mill that clogged, overloaded and wore rapidly.
A range of Ajax MassFlo Feeders are available to provide consistent ingredient feeds over a wide range of supply. As with most solids handling systems, it is essential to consider the total solids flow route to secure optimum performance. Evaluation and test facilities are available at Ajax.